Bracketing and Inspiration Images

Bracketing and Inspiration Images
by Emma Ridley
Intro to Digital Photography

SS: 1/200, F5.6, IOS 400 One Stop Darker

1/125, F5.6, IOS 400, Camera Meter at Zero

1/80, F5.6, IOS 400, One Stop Brighter

Question: What is bracketing and what setting did you manipulate on your camera, by what increments (in stops) in order to achieve it?
Answer: Bracketing is when one takes multiple photos of the same subject, however one is required to adjust the exposure for every picture (shutter speed, IOS, etc). For my submission, I adjusted my shutter speed by three increments in order to achieve a true display of bracketing. Any other adjustment was too subtle to show up. Because this was shot during sundown, it was important to dramatically change the shutter speed in order to showcase bracketing. 


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